Societies and groups using or associated with the village hall.
- Colton Garden Guild
- Colton History Society
- Colton Ramblers
- Colton WI
- Frendship Group
- M3
- Tai Chi
Colton Garden Guild
We are a sociable group of folks who enjoy our gardens, some large and some not so big, and gather each month where we enjoy the company and friendships we have established. As a group we do not actually do any gardening, but we have a variety of speakers on related subjects, visits and other events throughout the year. The programme for 2023 is set out below, and the emphasis on congenial socialising is clear to see!!
The annual subscription is £12 per person. New members and visitors are always welcome at £2 per visit. We have 28 members and are always looking for more. We run a raffle at each meeting to help cover our costs. Hot drinks and biscuits are available at the end of meetings where other food and drink is not provided.
We meet on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in Colton Village Hall.
Colton History Society
Colton History Society holds meetings throughout the year with guest speakers for anyone who is interested in local history. Over the years we have amassed a large collection of documents, artefacts and photographs recording the history of Colton. These are held in our archives in the village hall and are available for viewing on request. If you are interested in joining the society or need any information regarding the history of Colton please contact Gill Sykes via e mail at
Colton Ramblers
Colton WI
An enthusiastic, friendly group of ladies that meet on the second Wednesday evening of each month to hear speakers, socialise and/or watch craft demonstrations. We have regular outings and are involved with the community by supporting a local Hospice, Food Bank and village activities. As a member you are part of Staffordshire and National Federations and can take advantage of their activities and workshops. The WI gives members the opportunity to join in and be involved in a way that suits you.
For more information contact the Secretary ( or just come along to a meeting as a visitor where you will be made welcome. Details of meetings are given in the Parish News.
Follow us on Facebook:Colton WI.
Frendship Group
Colton Friendship Club meets in Colton Village Hall, on the third Wednesday of the month from 10.30 until midday.
The three exceptions are:
· The April annual luncheon will be at the later time of midday – 3.30pm
· In September we will go out to Marsh Farm for our annual lunch, at midday
· In December, we will meet a week earlier than usual, 13th December from 10.30 until midday
Tai Chi
Tai Chi for Health at Colton Village Hall
Tai chi is a martial arts based system of slow movements that has been shown to be extremely beneficial for health and wellbeing and is recommended by numerous health organisations.
Colton Tai Chi meets on Tuesday mornings throughout the year at Colton Village Hall from 10.00 to 11.00. Sessions are £5. Beginners are welcome – please contact us if you are interested. More information is on our website or call Andrew on 01889 808449 or 07941 650255.